Monday, 13 May 2024

Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Steps and Benefits of the Equestrian Pose


Ashwa Sanchalanasana, also known as the Equestrian Pose or Horse Riding Pose, is a fundamental asana in yoga, particularly prominent in the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) sequence. This dynamic pose helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles, improve balance, and enhance overall flexibility. In this article, we will explore the steps to practice Ashwa Sanchalanasana, its benefits, and precautions to keep in mind.

Steps to Practice Ashwa Sanchalanasana:

  1. Starting Position:

    • Begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) at the front of your mat, standing tall with feet together and arms by your sides.
  2. Transition to Uttanasana:

    • Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, hinge forward at your hips, bringing your hands down to the mat beside your feet, entering Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend).
    • Allow your head to hang down and keep your knees slightly bent if necessary to avoid strain.
  3. Step Back with One Leg:

    • Inhale and step your right leg back as far as possible, lowering your right knee to the mat.
    • Keep your left knee directly above your left ankle, forming a 90-degree angle with your left thigh parallel to the floor.
  4. Align Your Hips:

    • Ensure your hips are squared forward, facing the front of your mat.
    • Press your hips downwards while lifting your chest to lengthen your spine.
  5. Lift Your Torso and Gaze Forward:

    • Place your fingertips on the mat or on blocks on either side of your left foot for support.
    • Lift your torso, roll your shoulders back, and open your chest.
    • Gaze forward, keeping your neck long and aligned with your spine.
  6. Activate Your Back Leg:

    • Extend your right leg behind you, pressing the top of your right foot into the mat.
    • Engage your right thigh to stabilize the pose.
  7. Hold the Pose:

    • Hold Ashwa Sanchalanasana for 5-10 breaths, maintaining deep and even breathing.
    • Feel the stretch in your hip flexors, quadriceps, and back while grounding through your front foot.
  8. Switch Sides:

    • To exit the pose, step your right foot forward to meet your left foot in Uttanasana.
    • Repeat the pose on the opposite side by stepping your left leg back.

Benefits of Ashwa Sanchalanasana:

  1. Stretches Hip Flexors and Quadriceps:

    • The deep lunge position effectively stretches the hip flexors and quadriceps, which can become tight from prolonged sitting.
  2. Strengthens Legs and Glutes:

    • Holding the pose engages and strengthens the muscles of the legs and glutes, promoting stability and balance.
  3. Opens the Chest and Shoulders:

    • Lifting the torso and opening the chest in this pose helps to counteract the effects of poor posture and release tension in the shoulders.
  4. Improves Balance and Coordination:

    • The alignment and balance required in Ashwa Sanchalanasana enhance overall coordination and stability.
  5. Stimulates Digestive Organs:

    • The gentle compression and extension of the abdomen can stimulate digestive organs and improve digestion.


  • Knee Sensitivity: If you have sensitive knees, place a folded blanket or cushion under your back knee for added support and comfort.
  • Hip Flexor Strain: Avoid overstretching the hip flexors by keeping the back leg slightly bent if necessary and focusing on proper alignment.
  • Neck Alignment: Keep your neck in line with your spine to avoid strain. Avoid looking up too much if it causes discomfort in your neck.
  • Balance Issues: Use blocks or a wall for support if you have difficulty balancing in the pose.


Ashwa Sanchalanasana, or the Equestrian Pose, is a versatile and beneficial yoga asana that can enhance flexibility, strength, and balance. By incorporating this pose into your practice, you can experience a deep stretch in your hips and thighs, open your chest, and improve overall stability. Always practice mindfully, listening to your body, and make necessary adjustments to ensure a safe and effective practice.


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